You are here:
- Homepage
- Sitemap
Diseases & Therapies
- Single gene diagnostics
- Exom- and Panel diagnostics
- Array CGH diagnostics
- Registration & general information on consultation hours
- Special consultation hours for eye diseases
- Special consultation hours for child development disorders
- Special consultation for Marfan syndrome
- Special consultation hours for neuromuscular diseases
- Special consultation for kidney diseases
- Special consultation hours for prenatal diagnostics
- Special consultation hours - skeletal diseases
- Special consultation hours for hereditary tumor diseases
- History
- Molecular Genetic Diagnostics
- Clinical human genetics
- Director & Team
- Certified quality
- WG Functional Genetics of Neurodegeneration and Neurological Diseases
- WG Mechanistic cell biology
- AG Neuromuskuläre und skelettale Erkrankungen
- WG Rare and hereditary kidney diseases
- WG Skeletal Diseases and Genetic Syndromes
- WG Structure and Stability of the (Epi)Genome
- Publications
- Habilitations
- Doctoral Theses
- Final theses